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Curriculum Vitae (Portfolio V1) [Deprecated]

Dynamic and responsive portfolio website built with React and TypeScript for showcasing professional skills, projects, and contact information.

Visual Studio Code

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Main Page of the Portfolio showing different sections.

Farasat Ali

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💼 Role:

Software Engineer

In this project, I assumed the role of a software engineer, focusing on the entire lifecycle of the portfolio website. This role required not only strong technical skills in web development but also creative and problem-solving abilities to ensure that the website was both functional and visually appealing. As a software engineer, I took charge of designing the architecture of the site, implementing the front-end using React, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and ensuring that the website's user experience was optimized for both desktop and mobile users. My work involved careful consideration of responsive design principles, ensuring the website could adapt to various screen sizes while maintaining an engaging and professional appearance. Additionally, I was responsible for debugging, testing, and improving the performance of the website, which included optimizing load times and ensuring smooth navigation. The project provided an opportunity for me to refine my skills in modern web development frameworks and languages while also showcasing my ability to independently develop and maintain a complex project.

👨‍💼 Client:

Personal Project

The client for this project was myself, as the portfolio website was a personal initiative to showcase my skills and experiences in software engineering. The open-source nature of the project reflected my desire to contribute to the developer community by providing a template or inspiration for others who might want to build their own portfolio sites. However, despite being open-source, the project was primarily designed to meet my personal and professional goals. This allowed me to tailor every aspect of the site to my specific needs, focusing on creating a platform that highlighted my technical skills, projects, and professional journey.

💻 About Project:

This portfolio website project was born out of a necessity to build a professional online presence that could effectively showcase my skills, projects, and personal achievements in the field of software engineering. As someone aspiring to excel in the tech industry, I recognized the importance of having a personal website that could serve as a comprehensive and engaging platform for potential employers, collaborators, and anyone interested in learning more about my work. The site was designed with both aesthetics and functionality in mind, ensuring that visitors could easily navigate through various sections and get a clear understanding of who I am as a professional. The website was developed using modern web technologies, including React and TypeScript, which allowed for a dynamic and interactive user experience. One of the core objectives was to make the site responsive, so that it could be accessed seamlessly from any device, whether it's a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. This aspect of the design was crucial, as it ensured that my portfolio would be accessible to a broader audience regardless of the device they used to browse the web. The structure of the website includes several key sections that provide a well-rounded view of my professional profile. The homepage offers a brief introduction, along with a professional headshot, setting the tone for the rest of the site. Other sections include my education background, the programming languages I am proficient in, the projects I have worked on, and a contact form where potential employers or collaborators can reach out to me directly. Additionally, I included a section dedicated to the languages I speak, which adds a personal touch to the otherwise professional-focused content. From a technical perspective, this project was an opportunity for me to deepen my understanding of front-end development. By using TypeScript alongside React, I was able to implement stricter type-checking and improve the overall reliability of the code. Moreover, working with these technologies allowed me to familiarize myself with modern JavaScript frameworks and enhance my problem-solving skills. Overall, this project was a reflection of my growth as a software engineer and my commitment to building high-quality, user-centric applications.

🚧 Problem:

As a burgeoning software engineer, I faced the challenge of needing a professional platform to showcase my skills, projects, and experiences in a way that would stand out to potential employers and collaborators. In today’s competitive job market, having a traditional resume alone was no longer sufficient to demonstrate technical abilities and accomplishments. I needed an online space that could not only present my qualifications but also reflect my creativity, technical skills, and ability to build modern, responsive web applications. The problem was twofold: first, I needed to create a website that was visually appealing and easy to navigate, ensuring that visitors could quickly find the information they were looking for. It was important for the site to have a professional look and feel, as it would represent me to potential employers. Second, I wanted the site to be dynamic and responsive, meaning it would function seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes. Achieving this required a deep understanding of responsive design principles and front-end development best practices. Another key aspect of the problem was that this portfolio would need to be a living document, regularly updated as I gained new skills, completed new projects, and progressed in my career. This meant that the site had to be easily maintainable and scalable, allowing me to add new content without disrupting the overall design or functionality. I also saw this project as an opportunity to refine my skills in React and TypeScript, two technologies that I wanted to become more proficient in. In addition to the technical challenges, there was a personal aspect to the problem. I needed to find a way to present my work in a way that felt authentic and representative of my personality. The portfolio needed to be more than just a list of projects; it needed to tell a story about who I am as a software engineer and what I bring to the table. Balancing professionalism with personality was a key challenge in the design and development process.

🛠️ Solution:

To address the challenges I faced, I set out to develop a dynamic and responsive portfolio website using React, TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I chose these technologies because they allowed me to build a fast, interactive, and maintainable front-end application that would not only look great but also function smoothly across a variety of devices. The first step in the solution was to design the overall layout and structure of the website. I wanted the site to be clean and modern, with a minimalistic design that kept the focus on the content rather than unnecessary visual elements. I divided the site into several key sections, including an introduction, education background, programming languages, projects, and contact information. This structure allowed visitors to quickly find the information they were looking for while also getting a comprehensive view of my professional profile. Next, I implemented responsive design principles to ensure that the website would function seamlessly on all devices. This involved using flexible grid layouts, media queries, and fluid typography to ensure that the content would adapt to different screen sizes. Whether viewed on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop, the website offers a consistent and user-friendly experience. The navigation menu was designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing users to easily jump between sections. In terms of interactivity, I used React to build dynamic components that enhanced the user experience. For example, the projects section features interactive cards that expand to show more details when clicked. This not only made the site more engaging but also allowed me to showcase my projects in a more detailed and visually appealing way. Additionally, I used TypeScript to ensure that the code was more robust and maintainable, with strict type-checking helping to catch potential errors early in the development process. The website was also optimized for performance, with careful attention given to load times and smooth transitions between pages. I implemented lazy loading for images and other media, ensuring that the website would load quickly even on slower connections. This was crucial for providing a seamless user experience and ensuring that potential employers wouldn’t be frustrated by slow load times. Finally, I included a contact form where visitors could reach out to me directly. This form was integrated with an email service, allowing me to receive messages without exposing my personal email address. The form was simple but functional, providing an easy way for employers and collaborators to get in touch with me.

🌟 Key Features:

  • Dynamic Sections: The site features interactive sections that showcase my skills, education, and projects.
  • Responsive Design: The layout adapts to various screen sizes for a seamless experience across devices.
  • Interactive Project Cards: Projects are presented with interactive cards that expand to show more details.
  • Lazy Loading: Images and media are loaded dynamically to optimize performance and reduce initial load times.
  • Contact Form: A functional contact form allows visitors to reach out to me directly through the website.
  • Minimalistic Design: The design is clean and professional, with a focus on content rather than excessive visuals.

🏆 Results:

The result of this project was a dynamic, professional, and visually appealing portfolio website that successfully met my objectives. It served as a cornerstone of my professional identity online, providing a comprehensive platform for showcasing my skills, experiences, and projects. One of the key successes of the project was its ability to present my work in a way that was both engaging and informative. The website became more than just a static resume; it was a living, breathing document that reflected my growth as a software engineer. The site’s responsiveness was a major achievement. By implementing flexible grid layouts and media queries, I ensured that the website functioned seamlessly across a wide range of devices, from smartphones to large desktop monitors. This was crucial in making the portfolio accessible to a broader audience, as potential employers and collaborators could view my work from any device, anywhere. The responsive design not only improved the user experience but also demonstrated my proficiency in modern web development practices. From a technical perspective, the project provided an invaluable opportunity for me to hone my skills in React and TypeScript. I gained a deeper understanding of how to build scalable, maintainable web applications, and I was able to apply these skills in a real-world context. The use of TypeScript, in particular, helped improve the reliability of the code, as its strict type-checking features allowed me to catch errors early in the development process. This resulted in a more stable and efficient application. Another major success of the project was the performance optimization. By implementing lazy loading for images and other media, I was able to reduce load times and ensure that the website was fast and responsive even on slower internet connections. This attention to performance not only enhanced the user experience but also reflected my ability to build web applications that are optimized for real-world use. The portfolio website also had a significant impact on my professional visibility. By having an online presence, I was able to reach a wider audience, and the site became a valuable tool for networking and job applications. Potential employers could easily view my projects and get a sense of my technical abilities, and the contact form provided an easy way for them to reach out to me directly. The website became a key part of my professional toolkit, helping me stand out in a competitive job market.

🎯 Technologies Used:

  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Frontend: React, HTML, CSS

📘 How To Use:

To clone and run this React project locally, follow these steps. First, visit the GitHub repository at https://github.com/faraasat/curriculum_vitae. Clone the repository to your local machine using a git client. Navigate to the project directory and install the necessary dependencies using a package manager like npm or yarn. Once the dependencies are installed, start the development server to run the project locally. If you prefer not to run it locally, you can visit the live URL at https://faraasat.github.io/curriculum_vitae to see the website in action.

🔒 License:

This portfolio project is licensed under the MIT License, which allows for free use, modification, and distribution of the code under the terms provided in the license. The MIT License is a permissive open-source license, meaning that users are free to use the code for personal or commercial projects, as long as they include the original license in any distribution. This choice of license reflects my commitment to contributing to the open-source community and encouraging others to learn from and build upon my work. The full terms of the license can be found in the project repository.


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(Amazon Web Services) AWS
React Native

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Portfolio V2 [Deprecated]
Portfolio V2 [Deprecated]

Portfolio V2 [Deprecated]

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A Tailored Solution for You!

Farasat Ali offers top-tier web and mobile development, leveraging the latest technologies for customized solutions. His expertise includes cloud deployment for reliable, scalable applications. With AI integration, he provides intelligent, data-driven solutions to enhance efficiency. In Blockchain development, he creates secure, decentralized systems for trust. His data-driven strategies turn insights into results, driving growth and performance. Committed to excellence, Farasat delivers innovative, robust, and scalable applications. Partner with Farasat Ali for outstanding growth, the best results, and awesome leads with cutting-edge technology.

Web Development

Web Development

As a technology-driven developer, I leverage the latest tools and frameworks such as MERN Stack, Jamstack and NextJs to develop highly scalable and performant web applications.

As a tech-driven developer, I use cutting-edge tools to build scalable, high-performance web apps. Skilled in MERN Stack, Jamstack, and Next.js, I create dynamic applications with React, Node.js, and MongoDB. Proficient in Next.js, I deliver server-rendered and static sites for top SEO and performance. See outstanding business growth with Farasat Ali, achieving irresistibly the best results and surprisingly awesome leads as an expert in the latest technologies.

Cloud & Blockchain Dev.

Cloud & Blockchain Dev.

As a Cloud & web3 developer, I specialize in developing fully interactive web3 websites, Dapps, and smart contracts, and I am also experienced in deployments on Cloud Platforms Like AWS & Azure.

As a Cloud and Web3 developer, I excel in building interactive Web3 sites, DApps, and smart contracts. I deploy and manage these solutions on AWS and Azure, ensuring scalability and performance. My deep blockchain knowledge and cloud expertise drive outstanding business growth, delivering irresistibly the best results and surprisingly awesome leads. By leveraging the latest technologies, I provide secure, efficient, and cutting-edge digital experiences.



As an AI/ML developer, I possess a robust knowledge of these technologies, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Numpy. I specialize in building, deploying, and optimizing models, leveraging tools like GPTs and LangChain for cutting-edge applications.

As an AI/ML developer, I specialize in TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Numpy for building and optimizing models. Leveraging GPTs and LangChain, I craft innovative solutions that drive outstanding business growth and deliver the best results with awesome leads. My expertise includes data preprocessing, feature engineering, model training, and integration into scalable systems, ensuring top performance and efficiency.

Mobile Development

Mobile Development

As a mobile app developer, I have a strong expertise in creating high-performance mobile applications using cutting-edge technologies such as React Native, Expo, and Firebase.

As a mobile app developer, I build high-performance apps with React Native, Expo, and Firebase. Expertise in React Native ensures seamless cross-platform apps for iOS and Android. Expo accelerates development, while Firebase provides robust backend support, including real-time databases and authentication. Staying current with the latest technologies, I drive outstanding business growth, deliver the best results, and generate awesome leads with innovative mobile solutions.


Keeping Up with the Cutting Edge!

Farasat Ali excels in JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Solidity, Rust, AssemblyScript, and Cirq. He specializes in web and mobile development with HTML, CSS, SCSS, React, React Native, Next.js, Redux, and related technologies. He is proficient with Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, Flask, FastAPI, and databases like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis, Neo4j, GraphQL, Firebase, and Supabase. In cloud and CI, he works with AWS, Azure, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Vercel, GitHub Actions, and Jenkins. His Web3 and blockchain experience includes Ethereum, Solana, Anchor, and related tools. He also has expertise in AI and ML with Numpy, Pandas, Pytorch, and Tensorflow. General tools include Sentry, Figma, Visual Studio Code, Git, and GitHub.

- Programming Languages -








- Web & Mobile Development -





React Native



Redux Saga

React Query



Framer Motion



Material UI










Payload CMS

Strapi CMS

Sanity CMS

AWS Lambda












- Cloud, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) & Continuous Integration (CI) -

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Microsoft Azure





GitHub Actions


- Web3, Blockchain & Development Environments -









- Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) -






- General Tools & Technologies -



Visual Studio Code




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